ANCIENT TRADITIONAL MARTIAL ART OF PAKISTAN Welcom To Tradition Martial Arts Of Pakistan WebSite. Tariq Javed Ali Founder & Grand Master & Secretary General World Ghazwa Federation , Secretary General Pakistan Ghazwa Federation. Ghazwa Martial Arts the youngest sport . Ghazwa is a modern martial art with Pakistan origin. It was developed as a self-defence system characterized by extremely high kicks. All Ghazwa Martial Arts techniques and movements are worked out according to the bio-mechanical principles of human limbs - to be used most effectively. "Ghazwa is "The art of the kick and the punch and Stick", but Ghazwa Martial Arts means also "the way" to physical and moral self-perfection. In the process of practising Ghazwa man finds out that it is a way of living as well. That refers to more of the martial arts, too. In Ghazwa except the kicks (which are really the prime part of the system) are studied also